Monday, 14 April 2014

Nyanya blast

False living. .. there is a serious war going on in the country and yet the government and those affluent members of the society are partying, drinking , champagning (sic), clubbing, ...acting as if nothing is happening. Abuja night life will convince you are in paradise. This was why Jesus Christ had to preach the good news to the poor.  The rich folks WILL NEVER GET IT, always trusting in their riches. As the bible says  -   "As soon as they  say PEACE AND SAFETY! then sudden destruction will come up on them as labour pains upon a pregnant woman, THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE". 
As usual and typical of events in Nigeria today, the Nyanya blast (14th April 2014) has killed many POOR folks AGAIN..very soon this may no longer be the case and perhaps the government will then sit up and do the needful. 
May the souls of the departed truly now REST IN PEACE